Enough for all

February 18, 2022. Three guests from Mi’kmaw communities in Cape Breaton/Unama’ki reflect on what “enough” means in their culture, and also the ways that being displaced from their traditional land has led to “not enough.” Together we take a small step towards imagining a future of Gu leòr, enough for all. Hosted by Frances MacEachen.

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Emerging tradition bearers

February 11, 2022. Our guests took us into the kitchens of Gaelic elders, where we experienced the beauty of the traditions they have carried. As our native Elders leave us, how do we also support those who are emerging to step into that role? Host: Bernadette Campbell.

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Speaking our language

January 28, 2022. We heard two perspectives on language revitalization—from Nova Scotia Gaelic teacher Bernard Cameron, and from author, advocate and practicing trainer Leanne Hinton, who has led workshops on this topic for indigenous communities all over the world. Host: Iain MacLeod.

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It takes a village

January 21, 2022. Rodney MacDonald and Angus Brendan MacNeil shared stories and perspectives on what it was like growing up in Gaelic communities on either side of the Atlantic, what changes they’ve seen since, and their hopes for the future. Host: Mike Kennedy.

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When enough is plenty

January 14, 2022. Singer Mary Jane Lamond and author-activist Anne B. Ryan shared stories of what enough suggests for our personal and social lives, and how we can act from a place of gu leòr. Host: Frances MacEachen

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