Reimagine Resilience

Lunchtime conversations

A self-paced online course to learn about climate concerns and solutions. (Postcards) (7).png

Join us this fall

Six Tuesdays, 12:00-1:30 pm, starting October 1.

In this series we unpack what it means to live in these unsettling times. Each week Emily Cowin will invite a different guest to share a story, idea or practice that has been important to them. During the last half hour, we will engage with each other in breakout rooms and return for a final Q&A with the guest.

Earlier conversations

What does resilience mean when your community’s economic well-being is tied to an industry that contributes to climate change? Why do we keep trying to fix and control nature, when she is our most important ally? How do we walk the tightrope between “desperate hope” and “reckless hopelessness”? Join our community space and listen in to these and other lunchtime conversations.