Design Thinking

People-centred problem solving


In this stream you will learn how to apply Design Thinking to complex problems—whether in social, organizational, business, government or even personal contexts. Design Thinking is a human-centred approach that emphasizes teamwork and co-creation. You will gain an understanding of key principles and practice tools such as stakeholder mapping, context mapping, personas, journey mapping, scenario mapping, and prototyping.

Our approach will be learning-by-doing. Using the real-life challenges associated with an aging population, you will apply your new learning and creativity and see surprising outcomes. You’ll emerge energized with new skills and an appetite for collaborative, human-centred problem solving.

DesignThinkers Group was founded in Amsterdam in 2007 and is one of the leading ‘design driven’ innovation agencies, using human-centred design methods to facilitate creative multi-disciplinary teams and communities to drive positive change. This network’s members inspire people and teams with thought-provoking workshops and personal coaching programs.  

DesignThinkers is now represented in 18 countries.  In 2014, DesignThinkers Canada was founded and is led by Adriana Dolnyckyj, Managing Partner, who is ably supported by Pamela Scott-Crace, who joined the team in late 2017.

Susan Lorraine