Thinking with partners

Leveraging Our Networks partners retreat, August 2018

Leveraging Our Networks partners retreat, August 2018

As an organization, How We Thrive is small, lean and nimble. When it’s time to take a next step, we get together with our partners to exchange learning and news, make sense of what is happening across our networks, and look for opportunities to collaborate.

In August 2018 we co-hosted such a day-long gathering with StFX Extension, Coady Institute, and the Community Sector Council of NS. In November 2019, we convened stakeholders to better understand if it made sense to hold another large gathering in June 2020, given everything else going on. We heard that Thrive gatherings continue to add value to field, as spaces of “oxygen” that cross-pollinate learning and build and deepen relationships, so we can all move forward together. It also made sense for Thrive to engage in year-round activities, to broaden and deepen relationships and explore key issues in more depth.

We therefore decided to take a deep dive into the role of narrative in shaping “how we thrive,” especially in times of shifting ground, with the intention to convene the next large gathering in 2021. In January 2020 we convened partners to explore this topic, and then partnered with WeavEast to launch a series of online conversations in March.

Stakeholder gathering, November 1, 2019.

Stakeholder gathering, November 1, 2019.

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