Empowered from within

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June 11, 2020.

Host: Tara Taylor. Guests: Dr. Sahu Omri, Minis Stairs, Bridget C. Williams

Why it matters

In times of disruption, stress and illness, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. In this session we explored how we can create spaces for ourselves and others that nourish, heal and empower. We met guests who chose to overcome self-doubt and challenge in order to find their purpose and follow their heart. By cultivating their own inner source of strength and wellness, they have been able to empower others.



After Tara introduced the guests, Minis Stairs opened with a prayer and song. We then met in small groups and shared stories about a time when we were surprised by our own courage or determination. When we returned, Tara shared her recent dream about opening her eyes and seeing a world made of light. When someone blew on dandelion seeds, they dispersed in the light. Her daughter interpreted the dream as a message that we can experience the world through the light within ourselves instead of through the words and lenses that are being imposed on us. She then asked the guests to describe a turning point in their lives.

Bridget said she is a survivor of many challenges. She found her power through her pain and had to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. She realized her life was not her own and was a mystery to her. She saw that she had to become her own influence. Self-empowerment helped her to find peace, strength and authority. She took back what was lost, broken and stolen from her life. A pillar of hope was planted in her. She fought hard to remove the baggage of her life. She said, “I found my power through rawness.” Her desire was to become whole and free from the bondage that tried to consume her.

Minis said a turning point was a couple of years ago. She realized she was still walking around with a lot of shame and guilt. She hit rock bottom and wondered when there had been a time when she was genuinely happy, felt loved and whole. She realized it was when she accepted Jesus into her heart. She started to find her faith, her identity and purpose. She is now walking in that true purpose. She is helping younger women, she put on an Iam conference. She wants to be a voice and ear for young people who are searching for their identity.

Dr. Omri talked about having a hard upbringing, being orphaned and adopted at three years old. As a boy he was inspired by Bruce Lee, which helped him get over his shyness. He followed a path of martial arts and went to Hollywood, and his dream became realized when he was invited into the film business. After awhile he realized his true dream was not there; it was to be a father. He left Hollywood but became chronically sick. He had so much pain and debilitating disease he wanted to end it all. He was reminded by Spirit that his life was not just about him and had a spiritual awakening. He now helps people to see their real self. He said, “Find yourself and then you will have peace. You will have harmony with all things and all people…. The real you will be full of love. You will have love with who you are…. I only know it because I went through it myself.”

At the end of the session, Dr. Omri led us in a rousing session of Tribal Qi Gong.


Following are final comments from the Zoom chat-box, organized by themes. See the original transcript.

What struck us


  • Leaving with more insight about how religious templates usually precede settler occupation and remain long after most settlers have given up on their faith. How do we keep the faith and not get corralled by the patriarchal and oppressive templates. 

  • Reflections- this session took me to Maine, to my Mom’s spirit, to the unknown calling that is calling me...

  • Different paths to the light.

  • Whatever bricks are thrown at you, use them to build yourself up.

  • Reflection of being transparent and being at peace while moving forward.

  • It's  important to always have ears to hear and eyes to really see people and their pain. 

  • I was struck by these words, of how we are called to hold the highest/best for others…..feed them and feed yourself…

  • Realizing we have so much strength within us.

  • We are not alone and we are one.

How we feel

  • Energy!!!

  • Such an energetic session…filled with passion

  • It was a great way to congregate and feel the power of healing.

  • Lots of hope in these times to come together in compassion.

What we’re inspired to do 

  • This is my first experience with this practice <Qi Gong>. I am going to look into this! The energy was wonderful.

  • Reflecting on the balance between the inner and outer worlds, finding that light. Calling me to keep learning, keep going deep within.

  • Today's conversations have sparked in me a desire to explore the concept of empowerment as something that comes from within, though may be sparked by someone else, both physically and spiritually. Learning more about how to guide people from collapsing into their challenges and instead moving through them, taking them as opportunities for transformation.


  • So great to hear of people moving through pain and into empowerment. The Qi Gong such a bonus!

  • Affirmation!!!

  • Narratives of affirmation!!!

  • So privileged to hear these stories and feel this beautiful energy that was created during this session. I appreciate the movement, the resilience of the guests, the generosity and openness. 

  • That was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed that.

  • Thanks for a great session.

  • Thank you Tara and all the guests. Very inspiring!

  • Thank you all! Peace and Love

  • Wonderful to share this time and for the conversations and the gift of your presence.

  • Thank you for all this energy and inspiration.

  • All the stories were so incredibly powerful and inspiring. Thank you.

  • Tingly qigong, thank you.

  • Thanks for today!

  • Thank you so much everyone for sharing

  • Powerful stories, deep conversations in the breakout groups, wonderful  energy! Thank you all!

  • Taking away so many wonders! Wela'lin, Thank you, Merci

  • Appreciated such honesty and offering from all

  • Thank you Tara for including me

  • Enjoyed connecting

  • So much said/felt here that I need to process. This was an amazing and uplifting session.


From Dr. Sahu Omri

From Bridget C. Williams

From Ann Verrall

  • I was asked to share a video project I did. I talked about this in the breakout group about courage. 

Watch and Listen

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