

Why do we imprison the most vulnerable among us, and at what cost? The award-winning film Conviction takes us inside two Nova Scotia prisons, where women on the inside used cameras, art and poetry to envision a more ideal world on the outside. Together they make the impassioned argument that we’d do better to create communities that heal and support our most vulnerable, rather than punish them further.

On December 10th, nationally renowned advocate Senator Kim Pate set the stage for our conversation, drawing on nearly 40 years of working in and around the legal and penal systems of Canada. Moderator El Jones then engaged film co-director Ariella Pahlke, ex-inmate Bianca Mercer, and ex-guard Tanya Bignell, who shared their experience making the film and where it’s taken them since. Sara Tessier also spoke from her experience as a former prisoner and longtime advocate.

What you can do

Find out more about the film, watch the trailer, book a screening. Email  Website: The film is being offered free on CBCGem (with ads), ad-free with a subscription.

Send donations to From the Group Up by email transfer:

Connect on Facebook. Instagram: ftguws.ns  Twitter: @FTGU2019

What struck us

Comments from the chat stream. Read the whole transcript.

  • “The honesty and openness of the women telling their stories.”

  • “Your bravery, resilience, strength, the persistence. Thank you.“

  • “Very shocked at the lack of support and accessibility to services after being released.”

  • “And the shoes...those damn orange sneakers and the loss of all personal possessions in a sterile hostile environment.”

  • “I am inspired to bring what I heard today back to my organization.”

  • “I'll keep trying to develop opportunities for marginalized and vulnerable women to make a decent living.”

  • “I am inspired to host a fundraiser concert for From the Ground Up and share this film with my community. I would like to see this organization succeed.”

  • “Great to hear the voices of. formerly incarcerated women, thanks for the labour.”

  • Thank you all so much from FROM THE GROUND UP WELLNESS SOCIETY 💜💜💜💜

Watch the recording

Susan LorraineComment