Joyful learning

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On December 3, Krista Phelan took us into the magical realm of Little Nest Children's Community, an alternative nature-based program in Newfoundland dedicated to strengthening children's relationship to nature. We heard how something as small as a seed or leaf can open into a world of curiosity and wonder. The children reminded us of the joys of slowing down in nature, letting go of control, and allowing the world to be our teacher.

Amanda Bostlund also played “sound glimpses” of children’s own thoughts and insights about the topic of curiosity and learning. She asked them, “What would you like more adults to know about what makes learning fun?” and shared a recording of parents and educators responding to the question, “How can we support natural curiosity and joyful learning?” You can listen to some of their answers on her website.

Guest and hosts


What struck us in what we heard?

  • “It starts with presence. Especially in an online space, how can we structure learning environments and experiences to invite in deeper presence?”

  • “We need to speak other body languages.”

  • “Vulnerability builds trust. We are all learning together.”

  • “The importance of intergenerational learning—grandparents, elders have so much to teach.” 

  • “Connecting with a seed/leaf, something small, awakens an emotional openness to learning. We are able to see the details of something without the struggle of forcing the details. We can see the little things and they help us see the bigger things (ecosystem).”


Watch the recording

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