Visit the 2020 sessions
Scroll through the gallery. Meet story-tellers, hear our songs and languages, find out what moved and surprised us.
December 10. Envisioning alternatives to prison through the eyes of women behind bars and those on the front lines of the decarceration movement. Hosted by El Jones and Frances MacEachen
December 3. Children and their adult friends take us to places of joyful learning, where we imagine alternatives to dominant education narratives. Hosted by Amanda Bostlund and Duncan Ebata.
November 26 We hear from leadership that arises as connection, service, being human, and bringing together diverse voices for collective action. Hosted by Olu Osenrinde and Duncan Ebata.
November 5, 2020. What are we learning about how to hold space for ourselves and each other, so we can choose the stories we live by and bring them to life? Hosted by Duncan Ebata and Fahima Gibrel.
October 22. Adding fuel to passion—our own and others’—opens up possibilities we didn’t know were there. Hosted by Duncan Ebata and Fahima Gibrel.
October 8. In these times of ongoing uncertainty, how do we keep our spirits lifted, our hearts and resilience intact? Hosted by Duncan Ebata and Fahima Gibrel.
June 11. We hear that trusting our inner light activates a sense of purpose, healing, identity and joy that no longer depend on external narratives. Hosted by Tara Taylor.
June 4. Persistent, courageous voices call our attention to the impact of environmental racism on Black and Indigenous communities. Hosted by Andrea Currie.
December 17. We learn that food sovereignty begins with awareness, curiosity and the patience to learn from ancestors, science, and the plants and animals all around us. Hosted by Fahima Gibrel and Duncan Ebata.